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Monday, January 14, 2013

Pengalaman Bersalinku Part II


hi aper khabar arini..lpas mkn tghari..dgn mcm beselah lauk pntg..ikan bakar..syur air..ikan masin nk smbung plak citer..dekat labour room plak kl ni

ms kene tarik msuk ke labour room tu..dh rs dup dap dup dap..okey its time Ida push ur baby.. u can do it smpt lg tu fikir..nk mntk epidural..hubby pon kt i kn amik epidural..sbb sakit yg amat.. bila mntk kt nurse tu..dia kt..ouh arini weekends (Sabtu, 29/12/12) so xder epidural..epidural cuma ader time weekedays sj.. WHAT the ^%$%^..okey time tu dlm hati dah carut..biar btul hospital ni..xkanlah weekend pon xleh guna epidural..alasannya..xder dr anaesthetic(betul ke eja?blasah jerklah) keje weekend.. mmg time tu dgn skit2..smpt ckp ngn husbnd..xkire..weekend ke weekdays ke..ayag nk jgk epidural..ktkan FPP patient..kt ayang nk jgk..nmpkkan kedegilan aku..iyerlah mahu xnyer..tgh skit kot..dhlah xder tnga satu mlm berjaga thn nk push baby..konfem xder hubby pon ckp ngn nurse..we want EPIDURAL..isteri sy dh xthn dh.

smbil tgg dr anaesthetic..diorg pon pggil dr yu..since dia xoncall lmbtlah ckit nk tgg dia dtg.. smntra mnuggu tu..nurse tu bglah brochure psl epidural utk baca..since..i tgh sakit sgt..hubby jerklh yg bacakan..time tue dh pukul 11..dr anaesthetic dtg..dia kasi pethidine dl..b4 cucuk jarum epidural dkt blkg badan..utk sesapa yg xthu psl epidural..u just tny en google..hehe..skjap jerk proses tu..dr tu pesan..if klu rs skit tekan button ni..kire mcm kt control ah ah epidural once kt tekan..kt akan dpt double dose of dgn syrt..jarak antara those button mst lbih dr 10 min..

time tu..fikir..cmne nk tahu 10min? its REALLY2 WORKS..siyes..mmg klu kata skit tu 10..terus jadik 5 or 4..mmg kurang rs skit..I LOVE EPIDURAL!!..weeehooo..huhu.. then dr yu pon dtg..he checks my opening..time tu..rasa mamai yg teramat..smpt lg dgr dr yu sbut..she soo stone..i think she has a lot of drugs in her body..n she still 5cm..let her rest 1st..and we will come back after its 10cm..which is at 4pm..sbb satu jam 1 cm opening..sbb diorg ader masukkan cm drip..utk cptkan contractiuon..utk bsarkan opening..

well..klu ikutkan..mkin kuat contraction..mkin skitlah disebabkan my lovely epidural..haha..mmg best..xskit..smpt lg tido..utk kumpul energy..smptlh  tekan dlm 3 kali epidural double rs sakit yg amat..hubby pon smpt blk solat n tido kjp dlm bilik :)

dlm pukul 3.30..dr yu dtg blk..dia check..dh 10cm dh..and dia kt..dh boleh start push..time tu rs cm..okey..its time now..its time now..mula2 push teran..smbil bunyik..sbb diorg ckp kn tran smbil klu geram..mstilah ader dr yu ckp xleh teran tanpa sore utk save energy..but stil dont works..dr yu sruh pggil husbnd..time tu rs..okey..nk ader husbnd kt sebelah..siyesly i need him..bila dia dh ader kt sebelah br rs energetic tgh teran tu..dr yu pasan..i was having a 45 min pertama tu..mmg mcm nk pengsan..sbb xkluar2..smpi jerit kt dr yu..dr..i'm give up.. i nak dr yu wat bodo jerk..ceh..husbnd i ponm sm..wat dunno jerk. adoi..but then 15min yg dh nmpk rmbut ckit..terus dia ckp..ok its time to be serius..mmg dia tgg kt bawah and trik kepala bb kluar..once kpla bb dh kluar..mmg laju giler smua bnda mcm air terjun..dgn darah memancut2..Alhamdulillah..aku bersyukur pada mu Ya Allah..memberiku kekuatan wlopon xsbnyk cukuplah utk mlhirkan bayi ini..alhamdulillah..aku bersyukur bayi ini dilahirkan dgn slmat dan sihat.

tepat pukul 4.50pm lahirlah seorag puteri dgn berat 3.38kg..amik ko..besarkan..inilah padahnyer klu duk mkn eskrim mcd jerk time mngndung..hehe..padan muka.

Fresh from Oven..hehe
okey..we will continue to the next entry..ttg my fever during bersalin..bcoz it gives a lot of impact to our family after that.


  1. Ida~~ interested sgt cite ko.aku pn Amek epidural! N seriously sgt cinta epidural yg buat aku tido tanpa rase ape2. :D

  2. hehe..aku pon suka epidural atex..sgt2 berkesan :p
